Intelligent Reviews


Intelligent Reviews allows you to focus your online reputation where it matters most. With flexible options like review site distribution & turning on and off review sites, you can prioritize where your customers are sent to share their experience when requested to leave feedback.


In order to set up Intelligent Reviews correctly, you must decide on a percentage to allocate a review site, and you must have collected the listing site URL; instructions are below in the “Find a Listing URL” section of this article.

Use the following instructions to insert the URLs in IR Settings and configure their percentages.

1. Click the Settings link at the top-right of the portal. 

2. Click Intelligent Reviews in the left-hand menu. 

3. Click the Edit Settings button. 

4. Locate your review link on the web for each site (Yelp, Google, Facebook) instructions included below. 

5. Paste the URL in the appropriate text box.  This will switch the toggle to ON.

Note: You can switch the toggle to On or Off for each review site.  Review sites that do not have a URL will be disabled (OFF).  Enter the URL to active the review site. 

6. Type the percentage in the field above the URL.  See the IR Strategy & Best Practices sections of this article for additional guidance. 

Note:  You will receive an error message if you have allocated over 100%.  Resolve this by scrolling down and clicking Split the Rest or manually adjusting the percentages.

7. Click Save Changes at the bottom right of the screen. 


Intelligent Reviews seamlessly navigates your clients to a single review destination per communication proportionately-based on the percentage of distribution designated in IR Settings. 

Before adjusting the distribution percentages, it’s important to review exactly what features your configurations effect. IR Settings  influence 3 features in the Demandforce Portal:

1. "Provide Feedback" Buttons
Examples:  Follow Up (Thank You) Reminders & Campaigns

2. "Review Us" link at the bottom of every browser-based communication. 

3. Text Review Request

When your clients receive a review request from any one of the above features, once they click or select to leave a  review (i.e. click the “Provide Feedback” button), they are navigated to a review site
Before jumping into configuring your Intelligent Reviews Settings, let’s review a couple points from our Online Reputation experts that will help you get to know your Online Reputation a bit better. To get to you know your reputation & set an appropriate course of action, do the following:
  • Observe your reputation.
    • Get to know your reputation.
      • Search for your business on Google, and take a look at how you are represented in Google results. 
        • What directories are you listed on ? Which are missing ? 
        • How many reviews do each have? Are any sites very low? 
        • What does your star-rating look like? Are there any sites that are 3-stars or lower? 
      • Be sure to look at your Google My Business, Yelp, Facebook, and if in medical--WebMD, Vitals, and Healthgrades listings. 
  • Prioritize & define a course of action based in your needs.
    • Order of focus/needs:
      • Collect reviews on sites that have 0 reviews. 
      • Get any site with less than 3 stars to a minimum of 3. 
      • Get any site with less than 4 stars to a minimum of 4. 
    • How old is your most recent review? 
      • Recency matters slightly more than total number. Try to have the most recent review be less than 30 days old. 
    • Based on your findings above, plan the percentages that you will allocate in Intelligent Reviews Settings. 
  • Aim to create consistency
    • Focus on having a consistent and even spread with a minimum of 4 stars and recent reviews (most recent, within a month). 
      • Consistency across all sites is more important than having a bulk of reviews on one site. 
      • Unless you need to target a 0 review site, your IR distribution should be relatively even and reflect an effort to create consistency across all listings. 
    • Your clients search 2-3 of your review listings prior to scheduling an appointment with your office, another reason to take a strategic approach with Intelligent Reviews.
  • Engage with your reviewers.
    • Always reply to your reviews.
      • It is important to show that you are engaged with your clients and address issues when negative reviews do occur. 
    • Reply to both positive and negative reviews, whenever possible. 
      • Keep your replies friendly, non-confrontational, and non-specific.
        • If you are in a medical field, be sure not to violate HIPAA by acknowledging protected information.

It’s important to have a strategy when approaching your Online Reputation. On average clients search 2-3 review listings prior to requesting an appointment with an office.  For that reason it’s necessary to focus your strategy on getting a consistent number of recent reviews across all of your listings.

In the chart below, you will find typical review site issues & an Intelligent Reviews solution.

Target IssueDescriptionSolution
Low-level of ReviewsLow levels of reviews on all sites.Evenly distribute IR percentages across all listing sites.
High-level of ReviewsHigh/moderate-level of negative reviews across all sites.Evenly distribute IR percentages across all listings sites.  You're doing great!
 High-level of positive reviews on one site & very few +/- reviews on others.Decrease IR distribution of the site with highest number of reviews, and evenly distribute the remaining percentage across other sites.
 High-level of positive reviews on one site & high-level of negative reviews across multiple other sites.Decrease IR distribution of the site with highest number of reviews, and evenly distribute the remaining percentage across other sites. 
 High-level of negative reviews on one site & generally good reviews across other sites. Increase IR distribution slightly (15-20%) to filter more reviews to the site with elevated levels of negative reviews, and evenly distribute the remaining percentage across other sites. 
Use these best practices in addition to the chart above to get the most from Intelligent Reviews. 

1. Never filter 100% of your review distribution to any one site. 

2. Maintain 3 to 4 active listing sites in Intelligent Reviews at all times. Ensure that each site has a minimum of 10% distribution.

3. Avoid making changes to Intelligent Reviews too frequently. 
Note: Unless your client base is very proactive at leaving reviews (i.e. you receive many reviews each week), it's best to make changes gradually.  We recommend checking your settings after a month's time or even on a quarterly basis in response to your progress.

4. Always respond to your reviews, both positive & negative. 
Note:  Responding to positive reviews let's your clients know you appreciate their input, and responding to negative reviews let's your audience know you care about your clients' satisfaction.

5. Don't allocate any more than 30% of your review to Yelp. 
Note:  Based on our experience, sending too many review requests to Yelp puts your reviews at-risk of being "Not Recommended" by Yelp. Read more information on "Why would a review not be recommended?" in Yelp's Support Center.

In order to configure IR Settings properly, you must first collect the correct URL for the review/listing site to which you'd like to navigate your clients. Follow these instructions for collecting a review URL from Google, Yelp, and Facebook. 


1. Locate your business's Google My business listing in a Google search.

2. Click the appropriate listing or search result.

3. On the listing description & profile page, click the Write a review (generally located above/near the published reviews). 

4. Copy the URL in the browser's address bar. 

5. Insert the URL when prompted in "Configure Intelligent Reviews" instructions of this article, and configure the appropriate percentage.


1. Find your business's Yelp listing. 

2. Click Write a Review.

3. Copy the URL from your browser's address bar while on the "Write a Review" page.

4. Insert the URL when prompted in "Configure Intelligent Reviews" instructions of this article, and configure the appropriate percentage.


First, make sure that reviews are permitted on your Facebook page using the instructions below. 

Review Settings

1. Navigate to your business's Facebook page (make sure you are signed in with the appropriate account). 

2. Click the More dropdown menu. 

3. Click Edit Tabs from the options listed. 

4. Verify that Reviews  are toggled ON

Review URL

1. Find your business's Facebook page. 
Note: You cannot be logged in to the account that owns the business page when attempting these steps. 

2. Click the Reviews heading to view all reviews. 

3. Click Yes under "Do you recommend this business?"

Note: You can only view this page/option if you are logged in to a personal Facebook account that is not associated with the business's page/listing. 

4. Copy the URL located in the browser's address bar. 

5. Insert the URL when prompted in the "Configure Intelligent Reviews" instructions of this article. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I specify which customers receive which review sites?

No, but you are able to adjust the percentage of customers that receive links to review on specific sites.


Can I add my own review site if it is not listed?

Not at this time.


Where do these review links appear?

The review links you add on Intelligent Reviews will be used in any Review Us buttons, Thank You emails, and text review requests. You can also add these custom tags to newsletters and campaigns you send to your customers.


How does the Split the Rest function work?

The Split the Rest function splits all of your percentages evenly among the review sites you have turned on, but will not override the edits you’ve manually made since your last save.