
  1. Log in to Portal.
  2. Click on the 'Contacts' tab, the second main tab on the left-hand navigation bar.
  3. Click the 'Add Contact' button located on the upper-right side of the screen.  
  4. From here, you can add a list of contacts by uploading a CSV file, or by adding individual contacts manually. To add a contact manually, click 'Add a Contact' underneath the section called 'Add Contact Manually'.

    If you wish to add contacts by uploading in bulk, you can click the "browse" button to find the file on your computer, or upload a file by dragging and dropping the file into the grey box. This will automatically upload the contents of the CSV file onto the page. Make sure that the file is formatted properly - you may download an example as to how it should be formatted by clicking 'Download an example file' below the 'Browse' button.

  5. Type the information for the new contact in the appropriate field. The only fields that are required are the 'First Name', 'Last Name', and 'Email' fields.
  6. Click the 'Save' button in the lower right corner to save your new contact.

    Note: Contacts within Reputation Builder are maintained separately from contacts within iControl.

  1. Log in to Portal.
  2. Click on the blue and white gear icon on the upper-right corner of the Survey Overview page. This will take you to the Settings page.
  3. Scroll down to the section titled 'Add Review Sites'.
  4. Check the checkbox next to the 'Yelp' field if you have a Yelp page you would like to use. Add your Yelp page in the text box, or verify that the Yelp page listed in the text box is your business's page.
  5. Check the checkbox next to the 'Google+' field if you have a Google+ page you would like to use. Add your Google+ page in the text box, or verify that the Google+ page listed in the text box is your business's page.
  6. Check the checkbox for 'Send email to client after 24 hours' if you wish to provide clients with an additional reminder to leave reviews for your practice after they have completed the survey.
  7. Click the 'Save' button in the lower-right corner of this section to save your changes.

    Clients who complete the survey with a 90% rating or above will be prompted to leave you a review for your practice on one of the review sites you have provided. Clients who give you a score of less than 90% will not be prompted to leave a review and instead will be thanked for their time.

  1. Log in to Portal.
  2. Click on the 'Reviews' option in the left navigation bar to bring up a list of reviews already submitted.
  3. Click on the review you wish to publish from the list of reviews. You will arrive at a page with a detailed list of the answers to each question, along with any written content below the list of questions. Note that only reviews with written content may be published.
  4. Click the 'Publish' button in the lower-right corner of the full review page to publish the review to the widget.

    Once you publish the review to the widget, it will show up automatically on the widget. You will need to add the widget to your website in order to display it to the public.

  1. Log in to Portal.
  2. Click on the blue 'Cog Wheel' located on the upper right hand corner. 
  3. Click the 'Publishing' tab located right under Survey Settings  
  4. From here, you'll need to copy the Review Widget Embed Code by Clicking on the Copy Embed Code button. 
  5. Create a new ticket and provide the embed code in the message details along with exact instructions as to where on your website you would like the widget placed.
Youtube Video Goes Here
  1. Log in to Portal.
  2. Click on the blue gear icon in the upper-right hand corner of the page. This will take you to the settings screen for your Survey Form.
  3. Click the 'Edit' button on the first box of the 'Survey Questions' box.
  4. From here, you can adjust the details for each question that is currently on the survey, turn on/off the comment field for each question, and change whether or not the question is required. You may also click the slider on the right-hand side of each question to toggle whether or not the question is visible on the survey. Click and drag questions in order to change the order that the questions appear in. Additionally, you can also adjust the title of each section to tailor it specifically for your practice. Any changes you make on this page will be saved automatically.
  1. Log in to Portal.
  2. Click on the blue gear icon in the upper-right hand corner of the page. This will take you to the settings screen for your Survey Form.
  3. Click the 'Edit' button on the first box of the 'Survey Questions' box.
  4. Click the 'Add custom question' button in the upper-right hand corner of each section. You may add up to 10 additional custom questions.

    Note: Respondents to custom questions have the ability to select a response from 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest score. You may also add an additional comment field beneath the question, similar to the default questions.