
  • Facebook has recently updated their layout please make sure to follow instructions based on the layout you are using.

Facebook Statistics:

  • 71% of online adults use Facebook
  • 63% of Facebook users visit daily and 40% visit multiple times per day
  • 47% of Americans say Facebook is their #1 influencer when purchasing products online
  • 2.41 billion monthly active users as of the second quarter of 2019

What Should You Post on Facebook?

  • Current events – use the news to inspire your Facebook posts
  • Become a social media influencer – Post informative Updates about issues and developments in your practice area
  • Facebook is a visual platform – incorporate high-definition photos and videos
  • Comment on, Like, or Share others’ links – this will engage the audience in conversation and give you an opportunity to interact with influencers in your field that could lead to potential references, & leads!

How Often Should You Post?

  • For businesses with under 10,000 followers, once a day is typically a good number to grow your following. 
  • Focus your efforts on Quality over Quantity.

Engagement Tips for Facebook:

  • Ensure branding is consistent for each of your Social Media platforms by using consistent images (ie. logo & banners).
  • Offer a call to action – this will encourage people to interact and create relationships with your followers. This can also be leveraged if additional information is needed. In short, you want to “say more with less” and a call to action can help get across the additional info.
  • Use self-promotion sparingly – Facebook users don’t like to be “sold to” in their newsfeed
  • Participate in relevant Groups – this is a great way to get your name out there and participate in communities of common interests
  • Tag other users in your posts. This idea seems like it will take views away from your page, but leveraging tagging will put your content in front of users who currently do not follow your page. 
  • Leverage promotional posts, but limit them in nature. Social Media users do not want to be constantly sold via your Social Media. If you are constantly selling it takes away from the relationship building factor.
  • Do some research on your jurisdiction’s ethical rules on Facebook – Add any necessary legal disclaimers, and familiarize yourself with rules on advertising, solicitation and confidentiality
  • Be sure to craft relevant and high-quality content catered to your audience.
  • Facebook users are much more likely to engage with a post if it is relevant to their interests. ;
  • Log in to your Facebook admin account. Navigate to your Facebook Business Page. Click on “Page Settings”.
  • login

  • On the left side of the page, there will be a menu. Click on the 8th option named “Page Roles”. 


    This will show every account that has Admin rights to your page. This means as an “admin”, you can have full access to the page and can edit the page, post to the page, and add others as “admins”.  

  • Locate the area called "Assign a New Page Role”. To the right of this field, click on “Editor” and change it to "Admin". On the text box, type in the name below:

    Admin: Harper Pierce

    Harper FB image


     Then, under the box where you have just entered the email address, the name of the account will appear. Click this name to verify you have the correct account.

    Click on the "Save" button and enter your Password. You should now see the account as an "Pending invitation".

    Admin invites are generally processed within one business week if we are not notified. Please send us an email to confirm that our email has been invited as an admin to the page.

    social media

    Please type in our Admin Accounts name in the text box: Harper Pierce
    Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100092509841755



    Once you click the name with the same logo, go to the next step and toggle the button that says "Full Control" and click "Give Access." Enter your Password. You should now see the account as "Pending invitation."